bitwise and. Turns bits on if both of the bits being compared in x and y are 1. Example: and(5,1) bitwise exclusive or(x,y). Turns bits on if the bits being compared in x and y are different. Example: xor(5,1) bitwise or(x,y). Turns bits on if either of the bits being compared in x or y is 1. Example: or(4,1) rand() Returns a random integer in the range of 0 to 100. The brackets can be ignored. Example: rand abs(x) The absolute (or positive) value of number x. Example: abs(5-25) fact(x) The factorial of x is the product of all positive integers less than and equal to x (max x=1754). Example: fact(5) log(x) The logarithm of number x to the base of 10. Example: log(100) ln(x) The (natural) logarithm of number x to the base of e. Example: ln(100) sqrt(x) The square root of number x. This is equivalent to typing √x. Example: cube(25) cube(x) The cube of number x is x*x*x. This is equivalent to typing x^3. Example: cube(5) sqr(x) The square of number x is x*x. This is equivalent to typing x^2. Example: sqr(5)